APP_NAME = Gitea RUN_USER = git RUN_MODE = prod [database] ; those settings are protected and can't be modified DB_TYPE = mysql HOST = ##MYSQL_HOST:##MYSQL_PORT NAME = ##MYSQL_DATABASE USER = ##MYSQL_USERNAME PASSWD = ##MYSQL_PASSWORD SSL_MODE = disable PATH = [server] ; those settings are protected and can't be modified PROTOCOL = http DOMAIN = ##DOMAIN ROOT_URL = https://%(DOMAIN)s/ HTTP_ADDR = HTTP_PORT = 3000 DISABLE_SSH = ##DISABLE_SSH SSH_PORT = ##SSH_PORT APP_DATA_PATH = /app/data/appdata ; Landing page for non-logged users, can be "home" or "explore" LANDING_PAGE = explore [repository] ; this setting is protected and can't be modified ROOT = /app/data/repository SCRIPT_TYPE = bash [repository.upload] ENABLED = true ; this setting is protected and can't be modified TEMP_PATH = /run/gitea/tmp/uploads [release.attachment] ENABLED = true ; APP_DATA_PATH/attachments PATH = [mailer] ENABLED = true ; those settings are protected and can't be modified HOST = ##MAIL_SERVER:##MAIL_PORT USER = ##MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME PASSWD = ##MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD FROM = ##MAIL_FROM SKIP_VERIFY = true [security] ; those settings are protected and can't be modified INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = ##SECRET_KEY REVERSE_PROXY_LIMIT = 1 REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_PROXIES = * [service] DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = false ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true [log] ; those settings are protected and can't be modified MODE = console ; used for xorm.log ROOT_PATH = /run/gitea [picture] ; APP_DATA_PATH/avatars AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = GRAVATAR_SOURCE = gravatar DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false [attachment] ENABLE = true ; APP_DATA_PATH/attachments PATH = [indexer] ; this setting is protected and can't be modified ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = /app/data/appdata/indexers/issues.bleve [session] PROVIDER = file PROVIDER_CONFIG = /run/gitea/sessions COOKIE_SECURE = true COOKIE_NAME = cloudron_gitea GC_INTERVAL_TIME = 2592000 [markup.asciidoc] ENABLED = true FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoctor -s -a showtitle --out-file=- -" ; Input is not a standard input but a file IS_INPUT_FILE = false [markup.restructuredtext] ENABLED = true FILE_EXTENSIONS = .rst RENDER_COMMAND = "timeout 30s pandoc +RTS -M512M -RTS -f rst" IS_INPUT_FILE = false [markup.jupyter] ENABLED = true FILE_EXTENSIONS = .ipynb RENDER_COMMAND = "jupyter nbconvert --stdin --stdout --to html --template basic" IS_INPUT_FILE = false [markup.sanitizer.jupyter.img] ALLOW_DATA_URI_IMAGES = true