#!/usr/bin/env node /* jshint esversion: 8 */ /* global it:false */ /* global xit:false */ /* global describe:false */ /* global before:false */ /* global after:false */ 'use strict'; require('chromedriver'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync, expect = require('expect.js'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), superagent = require('superagent'), { Builder, By, until } = require('selenium-webdriver'), { Options } = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome'); if (!process.env.USERNAME || !process.env.PASSWORD || !process.env.EMAIL) { console.log('USERNAME, PASSWORD and EMAIL env vars need to be set'); process.exit(1); } describe('Application life cycle test', function () { this.timeout(0); var TIMEOUT = parseInt(process.env.TIMEOUT, 10) || 5000; var EXEC_ARGS = { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), stdio: 'inherit' }; var LOCATION = 'test'; var SSH_PORT = 29420; var app; var browser; var repodir = '/tmp/testrepo'; var reponame = 'testrepo'; var username = process.env.USERNAME; var password = process.env.PASSWORD; var email = process.env.EMAIL; before(function () { browser = new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeOptions(new Options().windowSize({ width: 1280, height: 1024 })).build(); }); after(function () { browser.quit(); fs.rmSync(repodir, { recursive: true, force: true }); }); function getAppInfo() { var inspect = JSON.parse(execSync('cloudron inspect')); app = inspect.apps.filter(function (a) { return a.location.indexOf(LOCATION) === 0; })[0]; expect(app).to.be.an('object'); } function sleep(millis) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis)); } async function setAvatar() { await browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/user/settings'); var button = await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//label[contains(text(), "Use Custom Avatar")]')); await browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(false)', button); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//label[contains(text(), "Use Custom Avatar")]')).click(); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@type="file" and @name="avatar"]')).sendKeys(path.resolve(__dirname, '../logo.png')); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(text(), "Update Avatar")]')).click(); await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath('//p[contains(text(),"Your avatar has been updated.")]')), TIMEOUT); } async function checkAvatar() { await browser.get(`https://${app.fqdn}/${username}`); const avatarSrc = await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//div[@id="profile-avatar"]/a/img')).getAttribute('src'); const response = await superagent.get(avatarSrc); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); } async function login(username, password) { await browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/user/login'); await browser.findElement(By.id('user_name')).sendKeys(username); await browser.findElement(By.id('password')).sendKeys(password); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//form[@action="/user/login"]//button')).click(); await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath('//img[contains(@class, "avatar")]')), TIMEOUT); } async function adminLogin() { await login('root', 'changeme'); } async function logout() { await browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//img[contains(@class, "avatar")]')).click(); await sleep(2000); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//a[@data-url="/user/logout"]')).click(); await sleep(2000); } async function addPublicKey() { var publicKey = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/id_rsa.pub', 'utf8'); const sshPage = 'https://' + app.fqdn + '/user/settings/keys'; await browser.get(sshPage); await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(By.id('add-ssh-button')), TIMEOUT); await browser.findElement(By.id('add-ssh-button')).click(); await browser.findElement(By.id('ssh-key-title')).sendKeys('testkey'); await browser.findElement(By.id('ssh-key-content')).sendKeys(publicKey.trim()); // #3480 var button = browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(text(), "Add Key")]')); await browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(false)', button); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(text(), "Add Key")]')).click(); await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath('//p[contains(text(), "has been added.")]')), TIMEOUT); } async function createRepo() { var getRepoPage = await browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/repo/create'); await browser.findElement(By.id('repo_name')).sendKeys(reponame); var button = browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(text(), "Create Repository")]')); await browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', button); await browser.findElement(By.id('auto-init')).click(); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(text(), "Create Repository")]')).click(); await browser.wait(function () { return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function (url) { return url === 'https://' + app.fqdn + '/' + username + '/' + reponame; }); }, TIMEOUT); } async function checkCloneUrl() { await browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/' + username + '/' + reponame); await browser.findElement(By.id('repo-clone-ssh')).click(); var cloneUrl = await browser.findElement(By.id('repo-clone-url')).getAttribute('value'); expect(cloneUrl).to.be(`ssh://git@${app.fqdn}:${SSH_PORT}/${username}/${reponame}.git`); } function cloneRepo() { fs.rmSync(repodir, { recursive: true, force: true }); var env = Object.create(process.env); env.GIT_SSH = __dirname + '/git_ssh_wrapper.sh'; execSync(`git clone ssh://git@${app.fqdn}:${SSH_PORT}/${username}/${reponame}.git ${repodir}`, { env: env }); } function pushFile() { const env = Object.create(process.env); env.GIT_SSH = __dirname + '/git_ssh_wrapper.sh'; const defaultBranch = app.manifest.version === '1.24.0' ? 'main' : 'master'; execSync(`touch newfile && git add newfile && git commit -a -mx && git push ssh://git@${app.fqdn}:${SSH_PORT}/${username}/${reponame} ${defaultBranch}`, { env: env, cwd: repodir }); fs.rmSync(repodir, { recursive: true, force: true }); } function fileExists() { expect(fs.existsSync(repodir + '/newfile')).to.be(true); } async function sendMail() { await browser.get(`https://${app.fqdn}/admin/config`); var button = await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[@id="test-mail-btn"]')); await browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', button); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//input[@name="email"]')).sendKeys('test@cloudron.io'); await browser.findElement(By.xpath('//button[@id="test-mail-btn"]')).click(); await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath('//p[contains(text(),"A testing email has been sent to \'test@cloudron.io\'")]')), TIMEOUT); } xit('build app', function () { execSync('cloudron build', EXEC_ARGS); }); it('install app', function () { execSync(`cloudron install --location ${LOCATION} -p SSH_PORT=${SSH_PORT}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can admin login', adminLogin); it('can send mail', sendMail); it('can logout', logout); it('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); it('can set avatar', setAvatar); it('can get avatar', checkAvatar); it('can add public key', addPublicKey); it('can create repo', createRepo); it('displays correct clone url', checkCloneUrl); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('can add and push a file', pushFile); it('can restart app', function () { execSync('cloudron restart --app ' + app.id); }); xit('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); // no need to relogin since session persists it('displays correct clone url', checkCloneUrl); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('file exists in repo', fileExists); it('backup app', function () { execSync('cloudron backup create --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('restore app', function () { execSync('cloudron restore --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); it('can get avatar', checkAvatar); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('file exists in repo', function () { expect(fs.existsSync(repodir + '/newfile')).to.be(true); }); it('move to different location', async function () { //browser.manage().deleteAllCookies(); // commented because of error "'Network.deleteCookie' wasn't found" // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time await browser.get('about:blank'); execSync('cloudron configure --location ' + LOCATION + '2 --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); it('can get avatar', checkAvatar); it('displays correct clone url', checkCloneUrl); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('file exists in repo', function () { expect(fs.existsSync(repodir + '/newfile')).to.be(true); }); it('uninstall app', async function () { // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time await browser.get('about:blank'); execSync('cloudron uninstall --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); // No SSO it('install app (no sso)', function () { execSync(`cloudron install --no-sso --location ${LOCATION} -p SSH_PORT=${SSH_PORT}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can admin login (no sso)', adminLogin); it('can logout', logout); it('uninstall app (no sso)', async function () { await browser.get('about:blank'); execSync('cloudron uninstall --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); // test update it('can install app', function () { execSync(`cloudron install --appstore-id ${app.manifest.id} --location ${LOCATION} -p SSH_PORT=${SSH_PORT}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); it('can set avatar', setAvatar); it('can get avatar', checkAvatar); it('can add public key', addPublicKey); it('can create repo', createRepo); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('can add and push a file', pushFile); it('can update', function () { execSync('cloudron update --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can admin login', adminLogin); it('can send mail', sendMail); it('can logout', logout); it('can login', login.bind(null, username, password)); it('can get avatar', checkAvatar); it('can clone the url', cloneRepo); it('file exists in cloned repo', fileExists); it('uninstall app', async function () { // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time await browser.get('about:blank'); execSync('cloudron uninstall --app ' + app.id, EXEC_ARGS); }); });