#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # django-pyvows extensions # https://github.com/rafaelcaricio/django-pyvows # Licensed under the MIT license: # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license # Copyright (c) 2011 Rafael Caricio rafael@caricio.com from pyvows import Vows, expect class Model(object): def __init__(self, context, model): self.context = context self.model = model @Vows.assertion def to_be_cruddable(topic, defaults={}): import django.db.models.fields as fields instance = __create_or_update_instance(topic, None, defaults) assert instance, "An instance could not be created for model %s" % topic.model.__name__ retrieved = topic.model.objects.get(id=instance.id) assert retrieved.id == instance.id, "An instance could not be retrieved for model %s with id %d" % (topic.model.__name__, instance.id) for key, value in defaults.iteritems(): assert value == getattr(retrieved, key), "The default specified value of '%s' should have been set in the '%s' property of the instance but it was not" % (value, key) updated = __create_or_update_instance(topic, retrieved, defaults) for field, value in topic.model._meta._field_cache: if field.__class__ == fields.AutoField: continue if field.name in defaults: continue assert getattr(updated, field.name) != getattr(instance, field.name), "The instance should have been updated but the field %s is the same in both the original instance and the updated one (%s)." % (field.name, getattr(updated, field.name)) instance.delete() object_count = topic.model.objects.count() assert object_count == 0, "Object should have been deleted, but it wasn't (count: %d)" % object_count def __create_or_update_instance(topic, instance, defaults): import django.db.models.fields as fields arguments = {} for field, value in topic.model._meta._field_cache: if field.__class__ == fields.AutoField: continue if field.name in defaults: arguments[field.name] = defaults[field.name] continue if field.__class__ == fields.CharField: __add_char_value_for(field, instance, arguments) if instance: for key, value in arguments.iteritems(): setattr(instance, key, value) instance.save() return instance return topic.model.objects.create(**arguments) def __add_char_value_for(field, instance, arguments): value = "monty python" if instance: value = getattr(instance, field.name) + '2' if field.max_length: if instance: value = value[:len(value) - 2] + '2' value = (value * field.max_length)[:field.max_length] arguments[field.name] = value