Django pyvows =============== Pyvows ------- pyvows is a BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) inspired by Vows for node.js More documentation about pyvows can be found at the project homepage Django-pyvows -------------- There is no need to modify your project to use Django-PyVows. You only have to create the vows as you usually would, start the server and call your project urls: from pyvows import Vows, expect from django_pyvows.context import DjangoHTTPContext @Vows.batch class ContextTest(DjangoHTTPContext): def setup(self): self.start_server() def topic(self): return self.get('/mygreaturl/') def should_be_a_success(self, topic): expect(topic.getcode()).to_equal(200) def should_return_the_correct_response_type(self, topic): expect(topic.headers.type).to_equal("text/html") To work you only need to override the `get_settings` method from DjangoHTTPContext to return the path of your settings module. The default `get_settings` returns `"settings"`.