2022-10-26 20:32:43 +00:00

108 lines
3.4 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
use tokio_postgres::GenericClient;
use crate::errors::DatabaseError;
use super::helpers::get_post_by_object_id;
use super::types::Post;
const OBJECT_LINK_SEARCH_RE: &str = r"(?m)\[\[(?P<url>[^\s\|]+)(\|(?P<text>.+?))?\]\]";
fn is_inside_code_block(caps: &Captures, text: &str) -> bool {
// TODO: remove workaround.
// Perform replacement only inside text nodes during markdown parsing
let text_before = &text[0..caps.name("url").unwrap().start()];
let code_open = text_before.matches("<code>").count();
let code_closed = text_before.matches("</code>").count();
code_open > code_closed
/// Finds everything that looks like an object link
fn find_object_links(text: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let link_re = Regex::new(OBJECT_LINK_SEARCH_RE).unwrap();
let mut links = vec![];
for caps in link_re.captures_iter(text) {
let url = caps["url"].to_string();
if is_inside_code_block(&caps, text) {
if !links.contains(&url) {
pub async fn find_linked_posts(
db_client: &impl GenericClient,
instance_url: &str,
text: &str,
) -> Result<HashMap<String, Post>, DatabaseError> {
let links = find_object_links(text);
let mut link_map: HashMap<String, Post> = HashMap::new();
for url in links {
// Return error if post doesn't exist
let post = get_post_by_object_id(
link_map.insert(url, post);
pub fn replace_object_links(
link_map: &HashMap<String, Post>,
text: &str,
) -> String {
let mention_re = Regex::new(OBJECT_LINK_SEARCH_RE).unwrap();
let result = mention_re.replace_all(text, |caps: &Captures| {
let url = caps["url"].to_string();
let link_text = caps.name("text")
.map(|match_| match_.as_str())
if link_map.contains_key(&url) && !is_inside_code_block(caps, text) {
return format!(r#"<a href="{0}">{1}</a>"#, url, link_text);
// Leave unchanged if post does not exist
mod tests {
use super::*;
const TEXT_WITH_OBJECT_LINKS: &str = concat!(
"test [[https://example.org/1]] link ",
"test link with [[https://example.org/1|text]] ",
"test ([[https://example.org/2]])",
fn test_find_object_links() {
let results = find_object_links(TEXT_WITH_OBJECT_LINKS);
assert_eq!(results, vec![
fn test_replace_object_links() {
let mut link_map = HashMap::new();
link_map.insert("https://example.org/1".to_string(), Post::default());
link_map.insert("https://example.org/2".to_string(), Post::default());
let result = replace_object_links(&link_map, TEXT_WITH_OBJECT_LINKS);
let expected_result = concat!(
r#"test <a href="https://example.org/1">https://example.org/1</a> link "#,
r#"test link with <a href="https://example.org/1">text</a> "#,
r#"test (<a href="https://example.org/2">https://example.org/2</a>)"#,
assert_eq!(result, expected_result);