use tokio_postgres::GenericClient; use crate::activitypub::{ activity::Activity, receiver::find_object_id, vocabulary::{ANNOUNCE, FOLLOW, LIKE}, }; use crate::config::Config; use crate::database::DatabaseError; use crate::errors::ValidationError; use crate::models::posts::queries::{ delete_post, get_post_by_remote_object_id, }; use crate::models::profiles::queries::get_profile_by_remote_actor_id; use crate::models::reactions::queries::{ delete_reaction, get_reaction_by_remote_activity_id, }; use super::HandlerResult; use super::undo_follow::handle_undo_follow; pub async fn handle_undo( config: &Config, db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, activity: Activity, ) -> HandlerResult { if let Some(FOLLOW) = activity.object["type"].as_str() { // Object type is currently required for processing Undo(Follow) // because activity IDs of remote follow requests are not stored. return handle_undo_follow(config, db_client, activity).await }; let actor_profile = get_profile_by_remote_actor_id( db_client, &, ).await?; let object_id = find_object_id(&activity.object)?; match get_reaction_by_remote_activity_id(db_client, &object_id).await { Ok(reaction) => { // Undo(Like) if reaction.author_id != { return Err(ValidationError("actor is not an author").into()); }; delete_reaction( db_client, &reaction.author_id, &reaction.post_id, ).await?; Ok(Some(LIKE)) }, Err(DatabaseError::NotFound(_)) => { // Undo(Announce) let post = match get_post_by_remote_object_id( db_client, &object_id, ).await { Ok(post) => post, // Ignore undo if neither reaction nor repost is found Err(DatabaseError::NotFound(_)) => return Ok(None), Err(other_error) => return Err(other_error.into()), }; if != { return Err(ValidationError("actor is not an author").into()); }; match post.repost_of_id { // Ignore returned data because reposts don't have attached files Some(_) => delete_post(db_client, &, // Can't undo regular post None => return Err(ValidationError("object is not a repost").into()), }; Ok(Some(ANNOUNCE)) }, Err(other_error) => Err(other_error.into()), } }