use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use web3::{ api::Web3, contract::{Contract, Error as ContractError, Options}, ethabi, transports::Http, }; use crate::config::EthereumConfig; use super::api::connect; use super::errors::EthereumError; use super::sync::{ get_current_block_number, SyncState, }; use super::utils::parse_address; const ERC165: &str = "IERC165"; const GATE: &str = "IGate"; const MINTER: &str = "IMinter"; const SUBSCRIPTION_ADAPTER: &str = "ISubscriptionAdapter"; const SUBSCRIPTION: &str = "ISubscription"; const ERC721: &str = "IERC721Metadata"; #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum ArtifactError { #[error("io error")] IoError(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("json error")] JsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error), #[error("key error")] KeyError, #[error(transparent)] AbiError(#[from] ethabi::Error), } fn load_abi( contract_dir: &Path, contract_name: &str, ) -> Result { let artifact_path = contract_dir.join(format!("{}.json", contract_name)); let artifact = fs::read_to_string(artifact_path)?; let artifact_value: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&artifact)?; let abi_json = artifact_value.get("abi") .ok_or(ArtifactError::KeyError)? .to_string(); let abi = ethabi::Contract::load(abi_json.as_bytes())?; Ok(abi) } // // Interface identifier is the XOR of all function selectors in the interface fn interface_signature(interface: ðabi::Contract) -> [u8; 4] { interface.functions() .map(|func| func.short_signature()) .fold([0; 4], |mut acc, item| { for i in 0..4 { acc[i] ^= item[i]; }; acc }) } /// Returns true if contract supports interface (per ERC-165) async fn is_interface_supported( contract: &Contract, interface: ðabi::Contract, ) -> Result { let signature = interface_signature(interface); contract.query( "supportsInterface", (signature,), None, Options::default(), None, ).await } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ContractSet { pub web3: Web3, pub gate: Option>, pub collectible: Option>, pub subscription: Option>, pub subscription_adapter: Option>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Blockchain { pub config: EthereumConfig, pub contract_set: ContractSet, pub sync_state: SyncState, } pub async fn get_contracts( config: &EthereumConfig, storage_dir: &Path, ) -> Result { let web3 = connect(&config.api_url)?; let chain_id = web3.eth().chain_id().await?; if chain_id != config.ethereum_chain_id().into() { return Err(EthereumError::ImproperlyConfigured("incorrect chain ID")); }; let adapter_address = parse_address(&config.contract_address)?; let erc165_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, ERC165)?; let erc165 = Contract::new( web3.eth(), adapter_address, erc165_abi, ); let mut maybe_gate = None; let mut maybe_collectible = None; let mut maybe_subscription = None; let mut maybe_subscription_adapter = None; let mut sync_targets = vec![]; let gate_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, GATE)?; if is_interface_supported(&erc165, &gate_abi).await? { let gate = Contract::new( web3.eth(), adapter_address, gate_abi, ); maybe_gate = Some(gate); log::info!("found gate interface"); }; let minter_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, MINTER)?; if is_interface_supported(&erc165, &minter_abi).await? { let minter = Contract::new( web3.eth(), adapter_address, minter_abi, ); log::info!("found minter interface"); let collectible_address = minter.query( "collectible", (), None, Options::default(), None, ).await?; let collectible_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, ERC721)?; let collectible = Contract::new( web3.eth(), collectible_address, collectible_abi, ); log::info!("collectible item contract address is {:?}", collectible.address()); sync_targets.push(collectible.address()); maybe_collectible = Some(collectible); }; let subscription_adapter_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, SUBSCRIPTION_ADAPTER)?; if is_interface_supported(&erc165, &subscription_adapter_abi).await? { let subscription_adapter = Contract::new( web3.eth(), adapter_address, subscription_adapter_abi, ); log::info!("found subscription interface"); let subscription_address = subscription_adapter.query( "subscription", (), None, Options::default(), None, ).await?; let subscription_abi = load_abi(&config.contract_dir, SUBSCRIPTION)?; let subscription = Contract::new( web3.eth(), subscription_address, subscription_abi, ); log::info!("subscription contract address is {:?}", subscription.address()); sync_targets.push(subscription.address()); maybe_subscription = Some(subscription); maybe_subscription_adapter = Some(subscription_adapter); }; let current_block = get_current_block_number(&web3, storage_dir).await?; let sync_state = SyncState::new( current_block, sync_targets, config.chain_sync_step, config.chain_reorg_max_depth, storage_dir, ); let contract_set = ContractSet { web3, gate: maybe_gate, collectible: maybe_collectible, subscription: maybe_subscription, subscription_adapter: maybe_subscription_adapter, }; Ok(Blockchain { config: config.clone(), contract_set, sync_state, }) }