use std::convert::TryFrom; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use tokio_postgres::GenericClient; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::database::catch_unique_violation; use crate::errors::DatabaseError; use crate::models::profiles::types::PaymentType; use crate::models::relationships::queries::{subscribe, subscribe_opt}; use crate::models::relationships::types::RelationshipType; use crate::utils::caip2::ChainId; use super::types::{DbSubscription, Subscription}; pub async fn create_subscription( db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, sender_id: &Uuid, sender_address: Option<&str>, recipient_id: &Uuid, chain_id: &ChainId, expires_at: &DateTime, updated_at: &DateTime, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { assert!(chain_id.is_ethereum() == sender_address.is_some()); let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; transaction.execute( " INSERT INTO subscription ( sender_id, sender_address, recipient_id, chain_id, expires_at, updated_at ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) ", &[ &sender_id, &sender_address, &recipient_id, &chain_id, &expires_at, &updated_at, ], ).await.map_err(catch_unique_violation("subscription"))?; subscribe(&transaction, sender_id, recipient_id).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn update_subscription( db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, subscription_id: i32, chain_id: &ChainId, expires_at: &DateTime, updated_at: &DateTime, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; let maybe_row = transaction.query_opt( " UPDATE subscription SET chain_id = $2, expires_at = $3, updated_at = $4 WHERE id = $1 RETURNING sender_id, recipient_id ", &[ &subscription_id, &chain_id, &expires_at, &updated_at, ], ).await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("subscription"))?; let sender_id: Uuid = row.try_get("sender_id")?; let recipient_id: Uuid = row.try_get("recipient_id")?; subscribe_opt(&transaction, &sender_id, &recipient_id).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn get_subscription_by_participants( db_client: &impl GenericClient, sender_id: &Uuid, recipient_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client.query_opt( " SELECT subscription FROM subscription WHERE sender_id = $1 AND recipient_id = $2 ", &[sender_id, recipient_id], ).await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("subscription"))?; let subscription: DbSubscription = row.try_get("subscription")?; Ok(subscription) } pub async fn get_expired_subscriptions( db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client.query( " SELECT subscription FROM subscription JOIN relationship ON ( relationship.source_id = subscription.sender_id AND relationship.target_id = subscription.recipient_id AND relationship.relationship_type = $1 ) WHERE subscription.expires_at <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ", &[&RelationshipType::Subscription], ).await?; let subscriptions = rows.iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("subscription")) .collect::>()?; Ok(subscriptions) } pub async fn get_incoming_subscriptions( db_client: &impl GenericClient, recipient_id: &Uuid, max_subscription_id: Option, limit: i64, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client.query( " SELECT subscription, actor_profile AS sender FROM actor_profile JOIN subscription ON ( = subscription.sender_id) WHERE subscription.recipient_id = $1 AND ($2::integer IS NULL OR < $2) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT $3 ", &[&recipient_id, &max_subscription_id, &limit], ).await?; let subscriptions = rows.iter() .map(Subscription::try_from) .collect::>()?; Ok(subscriptions) } pub async fn reset_subscriptions( db_client: &impl GenericClient, ethereum_contract_replaced: bool, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { if ethereum_contract_replaced { // Ethereum subscription configuration is stored in contract. // If contract is replaced, payment option needs to be deleted. db_client.execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET payment_options = '[]' WHERE actor_json IS NULL AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(payment_options) AS option WHERE CAST(option ->> 'payment_type' AS SMALLINT) = $1 ) ", &[&i16::from(&PaymentType::EthereumSubscription)], ).await?; }; db_client.execute( " DELETE FROM relationship WHERE relationship_type = $1 ", &[&RelationshipType::Subscription], ).await?; db_client.execute("DELETE FROM subscription", &[]).await?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use serial_test::serial; use crate::database::test_utils::create_test_database; use crate::models::{ profiles::queries::create_profile, profiles::types::ProfileCreateData, relationships::queries::has_relationship, relationships::types::RelationshipType, users::queries::create_user, users::types::UserCreateData, }; use super::*; #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_create_subscription() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let sender_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "sender".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let sender = create_profile(db_client, sender_data).await.unwrap(); let sender_address = "0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a"; let recipient_data = UserCreateData { username: "recipient".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let recipient = create_user(db_client, recipient_data).await.unwrap(); let chain_id = ChainId::ethereum_mainnet(); let expires_at = Utc::now(); let updated_at = Utc::now(); create_subscription( db_client, &, Some(sender_address), &, &chain_id, &expires_at, &updated_at, ).await.unwrap(); let is_subscribed = has_relationship( db_client, &, &, RelationshipType::Subscription, ).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(is_subscribed, true); } }