use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use web3::{api::Web3, transports::Http, types::Address}; use crate::utils::files::write_file; use super::errors::EthereumError; const BLOCK_NUMBER_FILE_NAME: &str = "current_block"; pub fn save_current_block_number( storage_dir: &Path, block_number: u64, ) -> Result<(), EthereumError> { let file_path = storage_dir.join(BLOCK_NUMBER_FILE_NAME); write_file(block_number.to_string().as_bytes(), &file_path) .map_err(|_| EthereumError::OtherError("failed to save current block"))?; Ok(()) } fn read_current_block_number( storage_dir: &Path, ) -> Result, EthereumError> { let file_path = storage_dir.join(BLOCK_NUMBER_FILE_NAME); let block_number = if file_path.exists() { let block_number: u64 = std::fs::read_to_string(&file_path) .map_err(|_| EthereumError::OtherError("failed to read current block"))? .parse() .map_err(|_| EthereumError::OtherError("failed to parse block number"))?; Some(block_number) } else { None }; Ok(block_number) } pub async fn get_current_block_number( web3: &Web3, storage_dir: &Path, ) -> Result { let block_number = match read_current_block_number(storage_dir)? { Some(block_number) => block_number, None => { // Save block number when connecting to the node for the first time let block_number = web3.eth().block_number().await?.as_u64(); save_current_block_number(storage_dir, block_number)?; block_number }, }; Ok(block_number) } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SyncState { pub current_block: u64, contracts: HashMap, sync_step: u64, reorg_max_depth: u64, storage_dir: PathBuf, } impl SyncState { pub fn new( current_block: u64, contracts: Vec
, sync_step: u64, reorg_max_depth: u64, storage_dir: &Path, ) -> Self { log::info!("current block is {}", current_block); let mut contract_map = HashMap::new(); for address in contracts { contract_map.insert(address, current_block); }; Self { current_block, contracts: contract_map, sync_step, reorg_max_depth, storage_dir: storage_dir.to_path_buf(), } } pub fn get_scan_range(&self, contract_address: &Address) -> (u64, u64) { let current_block = self.contracts[contract_address]; // Take reorgs into account let safe_current_block = current_block.saturating_sub(self.reorg_max_depth); (safe_current_block, safe_current_block + self.sync_step) } pub fn is_out_of_sync(&self, contract_address: &Address) -> bool { if let Some(max_value) = self.contracts.values().max().copied() { if self.contracts[contract_address] == max_value { return false; }; }; true } pub fn update( &mut self, contract_address: &Address, block_number: u64, ) -> Result<(), EthereumError> { self.contracts.insert(*contract_address, block_number); if let Some(min_value) = self.contracts.values().min().copied() { if min_value > self.current_block { self.current_block = min_value; save_current_block_number(&self.storage_dir, self.current_block)?; log::info!("synced to block {}", self.current_block); }; }; Ok(()) } }