use anyhow::{anyhow, Error}; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use clap::Parser; use tokio_postgres::GenericClient; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::activitypub::builders::delete_note::prepare_delete_note; use crate::activitypub::builders::delete_person::prepare_delete_person; use crate::activitypub::fetcher::fetchers::fetch_actor; use crate::activitypub::handlers::update_person::update_remote_profile; use crate::config::Config; use crate::ethereum::signatures::generate_ecdsa_key; use crate::ethereum::sync::save_current_block_number; use crate::ethereum::utils::key_to_ethereum_address; use crate::models::attachments::queries::delete_unused_attachments; use crate::models::cleanup::find_orphaned_files; use crate::models::posts::queries::{delete_post, find_extraneous_posts, get_post_by_id}; use crate::models::profiles::queries::{ delete_profile, get_profile_by_actor_id, get_profile_by_id, }; use crate::models::subscriptions::queries::reset_subscriptions; use crate::models::users::queries::{ create_invite_code, get_invite_codes, get_user_by_id, }; use crate::monero::wallet::create_monero_wallet; use crate::utils::crypto::{generate_private_key, serialize_private_key}; use crate::utils::files::remove_files; /// Admin CLI tool #[derive(Parser)] pub struct Opts { #[clap(subcommand)] pub subcmd: SubCommand, } #[derive(Parser)] pub enum SubCommand { GenerateRsaKey(GenerateRsaKey), GenerateEthereumAddress(GenerateEthereumAddress), GenerateInviteCode(GenerateInviteCode), ListInviteCodes(ListInviteCodes), RefetchActor(RefetchActor), DeleteProfile(DeleteProfile), DeletePost(DeletePost), DeleteExtraneousPosts(DeleteExtraneousPosts), DeleteUnusedAttachments(DeleteUnusedAttachments), DeleteOrphanedFiles(DeleteOrphanedFiles), UpdateCurrentBlock(UpdateCurrentBlock), ResetSubscriptions(ResetSubscriptions), CreateMoneroWallet(CreateMoneroWallet), } /// Generate RSA private key #[derive(Parser)] pub struct GenerateRsaKey; impl GenerateRsaKey { pub fn execute(&self) -> () { let private_key = generate_private_key().unwrap(); let private_key_str = serialize_private_key(&private_key).unwrap(); println!("{}", private_key_str); } } /// Generate ethereum address #[derive(Parser)] pub struct GenerateEthereumAddress; impl GenerateEthereumAddress { pub fn execute(&self) -> () { let private_key = generate_ecdsa_key(); let address = key_to_ethereum_address(&private_key); println!( "address {:?}; private key {}", address, private_key.display_secret(), ); } } /// Generate invite code #[derive(Parser)] pub struct GenerateInviteCode; impl GenerateInviteCode { pub async fn execute( &self, db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let invite_code = create_invite_code(db_client).await?; println!("generated invite code: {}", invite_code); Ok(()) } } /// List invite codes #[derive(Parser)] pub struct ListInviteCodes; impl ListInviteCodes { pub async fn execute( &self, db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let invite_codes = get_invite_codes(db_client).await?; if invite_codes.is_empty() { println!("no invite codes found"); return Ok(()); }; for code in invite_codes { println!("{}", code); }; Ok(()) } } /// Re-fetch actor profile by actor ID #[derive(Parser)] pub struct RefetchActor { id: String, } impl RefetchActor { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let profile = get_profile_by_actor_id(db_client, &; let actor = fetch_actor(&config.instance(), &; update_remote_profile(db_client, &config.media_dir(), profile, actor).await?; println!("profile updated"); Ok(()) } } /// Delete profile #[derive(Parser)] pub struct DeleteProfile { id: Uuid, } impl DeleteProfile { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let profile = get_profile_by_id(db_client, &; let mut maybe_delete_person = None; if profile.is_local() { let user = get_user_by_id(db_client, &; let activity = prepare_delete_person(db_client, config.instance(), &user).await?; maybe_delete_person = Some(activity); }; let deletion_queue = delete_profile(db_client, &; deletion_queue.process(config).await; // Send Delete(Person) activities if let Some(activity) = maybe_delete_person { activity.deliver().await?; }; println!("profile deleted"); Ok(()) } } /// Delete post #[derive(Parser)] pub struct DeletePost { id: Uuid, } impl DeletePost { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let post = get_post_by_id(db_client, &; let deletion_queue = delete_post(db_client, &; deletion_queue.process(config).await; if { // Send Delete(Note) activity let author = get_user_by_id(db_client, &; prepare_delete_note(db_client, config.instance(), &author, &post) .await? .deliver().await?; }; println!("post deleted"); Ok(()) } } /// Delete old remote posts #[derive(Parser)] pub struct DeleteExtraneousPosts { days: i64, } impl DeleteExtraneousPosts { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let created_before = Utc::now() - Duration::days(self.days); let posts = find_extraneous_posts(db_client, &created_before).await?; for post_id in posts { let deletion_queue = delete_post(db_client, &post_id).await?; deletion_queue.process(config).await; println!("post {} deleted", post_id); }; Ok(()) } } /// Delete attachments that don't belong to any post #[derive(Parser)] pub struct DeleteUnusedAttachments { days: i64, } impl DeleteUnusedAttachments { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let created_before = Utc::now() - Duration::days(self.days); let deletion_queue = delete_unused_attachments( db_client, &created_before, ).await?; deletion_queue.process(config).await; println!("unused attachments deleted"); Ok(()) } } /// Find and delete orphaned files #[derive(Parser)] pub struct DeleteOrphanedFiles; impl DeleteOrphanedFiles { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let media_dir = config.media_dir(); let mut files = vec![]; for maybe_path in std::fs::read_dir(&media_dir)? { let file_name = maybe_path?.file_name() .to_string_lossy().to_string(); files.push(file_name); }; println!("found {} files", files.len()); let orphaned = find_orphaned_files(db_client, files).await?; if !orphaned.is_empty() { remove_files(orphaned, &media_dir); println!("orphaned files deleted"); }; Ok(()) } } /// Update blockchain synchronization starting block #[derive(Parser)] pub struct UpdateCurrentBlock { number: u64, } impl UpdateCurrentBlock { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, _db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { save_current_block_number(&config.storage_dir, self.number)?; println!("current block updated"); Ok(()) } } /// Reset all subscriptions /// (can be used during development or when switching between chains) #[derive(Parser)] pub struct ResetSubscriptions { #[clap(long)] ethereum_contract_replaced: bool, } impl ResetSubscriptions { pub async fn execute( &self, _config: &Config, db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, ) -> Result<(), Error> { reset_subscriptions(db_client, self.ethereum_contract_replaced).await?; println!("subscriptions deleted"); Ok(()) } } /// Create Monero wallet #[derive(Parser)] pub struct CreateMoneroWallet { name: String, password: Option, } impl CreateMoneroWallet { pub async fn execute( &self, config: &Config, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let monero_config = config.blockchain() .and_then(|conf| conf.monero_config()) .ok_or(anyhow!("monero configuration not found"))?; create_monero_wallet( monero_config,, self.password.clone(), ).await?; println!("wallet created"); Ok(()) } }