use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use uuid::Uuid; use mitra_utils::{currencies::Currency, did::Did, did_pkh::DidPkh, id::generate_ulid}; use crate::cleanup::{find_orphaned_files, find_orphaned_ipfs_objects, DeletionQueue}; use crate::database::{catch_unique_violation, query_macro::query, DatabaseClient, DatabaseError}; use crate::emojis::types::DbEmoji; use crate::instances::queries::create_instance; use crate::relationships::types::RelationshipType; use super::types::{ Aliases, DbActorProfile, ExtraFields, IdentityProofs, PaymentOptions, ProfileCreateData, ProfileUpdateData, }; async fn create_profile_emojis( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, emojis: Vec, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let emojis_rows = db_client .query( " INSERT INTO profile_emoji (profile_id, emoji_id) SELECT $1, FROM emoji WHERE id = ANY($2) RETURNING ( SELECT emoji FROM emoji WHERE = emoji_id ) ", &[&profile_id, &emojis], ) .await?; if emojis_rows.len() != emojis.len() { return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("emoji")); }; let emojis = emojis_rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("emoji")) .collect::>()?; Ok(emojis) } async fn update_emoji_cache( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " WITH profile_emojis AS ( SELECT AS profile_id, COALESCE( jsonb_agg(emoji) FILTER (WHERE IS NOT NULL), '[]' ) AS emojis FROM actor_profile LEFT JOIN profile_emoji ON (profile_emoji.profile_id = LEFT JOIN emoji ON ( = profile_emoji.emoji_id) WHERE = $1 GROUP BY ) UPDATE actor_profile SET emojis = profile_emojis.emojis FROM profile_emojis WHERE = profile_emojis.profile_id RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile: DbActorProfile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn update_emoji_caches( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, emoji_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { db_client .execute( " WITH profile_emojis AS ( SELECT AS profile_id, COALESCE( jsonb_agg(emoji) FILTER (WHERE IS NOT NULL), '[]' ) AS emojis FROM actor_profile CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(actor_profile.emojis) AS cached_emoji LEFT JOIN profile_emoji ON (profile_emoji.profile_id = LEFT JOIN emoji ON ( = profile_emoji.emoji_id) WHERE CAST(cached_emoji ->> 'id' AS UUID) = $1 GROUP BY ) UPDATE actor_profile SET emojis = profile_emojis.emojis FROM profile_emojis WHERE = profile_emojis.profile_id ", &[&emoji_id], ) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Create new profile using given Client or Transaction. pub async fn create_profile( db_client: &mut impl DatabaseClient, profile_data: ProfileCreateData, ) -> Result { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; let profile_id = generate_ulid(); if let Some(ref hostname) = profile_data.hostname { create_instance(&transaction, hostname).await?; }; transaction .execute( " INSERT INTO actor_profile ( id, username, hostname, display_name, bio, bio_source, avatar, banner, manually_approves_followers, identity_proofs, payment_options, extra_fields, aliases, actor_json ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14) RETURNING actor_profile ", &[ &profile_id, &profile_data.username, &profile_data.hostname, &profile_data.display_name, &, &, &profile_data.avatar, &profile_data.banner, &profile_data.manually_approves_followers, &IdentityProofs(profile_data.identity_proofs), &PaymentOptions(profile_data.payment_options), &ExtraFields(profile_data.extra_fields), &Aliases::new(profile_data.aliases), &profile_data.actor_json, ], ) .await .map_err(catch_unique_violation("profile"))?; // Create related objects create_profile_emojis(&transaction, &profile_id, profile_data.emojis).await?; let profile = update_emoji_cache(&transaction, &profile_id).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn update_profile( db_client: &mut impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, profile_data: ProfileUpdateData, ) -> Result { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET display_name = $1, bio = $2, bio_source = $3, avatar = $4, banner = $5, manually_approves_followers = $6, identity_proofs = $7, payment_options = $8, extra_fields = $9, aliases = $10, actor_json = $11, updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = $12 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[ &profile_data.display_name, &, &profile_data.bio_source, &profile_data.avatar, &profile_data.banner, &profile_data.manually_approves_followers, &IdentityProofs(profile_data.identity_proofs), &PaymentOptions(profile_data.payment_options), &ExtraFields(profile_data.extra_fields), &Aliases::new(profile_data.aliases), &profile_data.actor_json, &profile_id, ], ) .await?; // Delete and re-create related objects transaction .execute( "DELETE FROM profile_emoji WHERE profile_id = $1", &[profile_id], ) .await?; create_profile_emojis(&transaction, profile_id, profile_data.emojis).await?; let profile = update_emoji_cache(&transaction, profile_id).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn get_profile_by_id( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let result = db_client .query_opt( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE id = $1 ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; let profile = match result { Some(row) => row.try_get("actor_profile")?, None => return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile")), }; Ok(profile) } pub async fn get_profile_by_remote_actor_id( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, actor_id: &str, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE actor_id = $1 ", &[&actor_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile: DbActorProfile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; profile.check_remote()?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn get_profile_by_acct( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, acct: &str, ) -> Result { let result = db_client .query_opt( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE actor_profile.acct = $1 ", &[&acct], ) .await?; let profile = match result { Some(row) => row.try_get("actor_profile")?, None => return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile")), }; Ok(profile) } pub async fn get_profiles( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, only_local: bool, offset: u16, limit: u16, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let condition = if only_local { "WHERE actor_id IS NULL" } else { "" }; let statement = format!( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile {condition} ORDER BY username LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2 ", condition = condition, ); let rows = db_client .query(&statement, &[&i64::from(limit), &i64::from(offset)]) .await?; let profiles = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::>()?; Ok(profiles) } pub async fn get_profiles_by_accts( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, accts: Vec, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client .query( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE acct = ANY($1) ", &[&accts], ) .await?; let profiles = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::>()?; Ok(profiles) } /// Deletes profile from database and returns collection of orphaned objects. pub async fn delete_profile( db_client: &mut impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; // Select all posts authored by given actor, // their descendants and reposts. let posts_rows = transaction .query( " WITH RECURSIVE context (post_id) AS ( SELECT FROM post WHERE post.author_id = $1 UNION SELECT FROM post JOIN context ON ( post.in_reply_to_id = context.post_id OR post.repost_of_id = context.post_id ) ) SELECT post_id FROM context ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; let posts: Vec = posts_rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("post_id")) .collect::>()?; // Get list of media files let files_rows = transaction .query( " SELECT unnest(array_remove( ARRAY[ avatar ->> 'file_name', banner ->> 'file_name' ], NULL )) AS file_name FROM actor_profile WHERE id = $1 UNION ALL SELECT file_name FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ANY($2) ", &[&profile_id, &posts], ) .await?; let files: Vec = files_rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("file_name")) .collect::>()?; // Get list of IPFS objects let ipfs_objects_rows = transaction .query( " SELECT ipfs_cid FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ANY($1) AND ipfs_cid IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT ipfs_cid FROM post WHERE id = ANY($1) AND ipfs_cid IS NOT NULL ", &[&posts], ) .await?; let ipfs_objects: Vec = ipfs_objects_rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("ipfs_cid")) .collect::>()?; // Update post counters transaction .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET post_count = post_count - post.count FROM ( SELECT post.author_id, count(*) FROM post WHERE = ANY($1) GROUP BY post.author_id ) AS post WHERE = post.author_id ", &[&posts], ) .await?; // Update counters transaction .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET follower_count = follower_count - 1 FROM relationship WHERE relationship.source_id = $1 AND relationship.target_id = AND relationship.relationship_type = $2 ", &[&profile_id, &RelationshipType::Follow], ) .await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET following_count = following_count - 1 FROM relationship WHERE relationship.source_id = AND relationship.target_id = $1 AND relationship.relationship_type = $2 ", &[&profile_id, &RelationshipType::Follow], ) .await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET subscriber_count = subscriber_count - 1 FROM relationship WHERE relationship.source_id = $1 AND relationship.target_id = AND relationship.relationship_type = $2 ", &[&profile_id, &RelationshipType::Subscription], ) .await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE post SET reply_count = reply_count - reply.count FROM ( SELECT in_reply_to_id, count(*) FROM post WHERE author_id = $1 AND in_reply_to_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY in_reply_to_id ) AS reply WHERE = reply.in_reply_to_id ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE post SET reaction_count = reaction_count - 1 FROM post_reaction WHERE post_reaction.post_id = AND post_reaction.author_id = $1 ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; transaction .execute( " UPDATE post SET repost_count = post.repost_count - 1 FROM post AS repost WHERE repost.repost_of_id = AND repost.author_id = $1 ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; // Delete profile let deleted_count = transaction .execute( " DELETE FROM actor_profile WHERE id = $1 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&profile_id], ) .await?; if deleted_count == 0 { return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile")); } let orphaned_files = find_orphaned_files(&transaction, files).await?; let orphaned_ipfs_objects = find_orphaned_ipfs_objects(&transaction, ipfs_objects).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(DeletionQueue { files: orphaned_files, ipfs_objects: orphaned_ipfs_objects, }) } pub async fn search_profiles( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, username: &str, maybe_hostname: Option<&String>, limit: u16, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let db_search_query = match maybe_hostname { Some(hostname) => { // Search for exact actor address format!("{}@{}", username, hostname) } None => { // Fuzzy search for username format!("%{}%", username) } }; let rows = db_client .query( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE acct ILIKE $1 LIMIT $2 ", &[&db_search_query, &i64::from(limit)], ) .await?; let profiles: Vec = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::>()?; Ok(profiles) } pub async fn search_profiles_by_did_only( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, did: &Did, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client .query( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(actor_profile.identity_proofs) AS proof WHERE proof ->> 'issuer' = $1 ) ", &[&did.to_string()], ) .await?; let profiles: Vec = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::>()?; Ok(profiles) } pub async fn search_profiles_by_did( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, did: &Did, prefer_verified: bool, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let verified = search_profiles_by_did_only(db_client, did).await?; let maybe_currency_address = match did { Did::Pkh(did_pkh) => did_pkh .currency() .map(|currency| (currency, did_pkh.address.clone())), _ => None, }; let unverified = if let Some((currency, address)) = maybe_currency_address { // If currency is Ethereum, // search over extra fields must be case insensitive. let value_op = match currency { Currency::Ethereum => "ILIKE", Currency::Monero => "LIKE", }; // This query does not scan user_account.wallet_address because // login addresses are private. let statement = format!( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM jsonb_array_elements(actor_profile.extra_fields) AS field WHERE field ->> 'name' ILIKE $field_name AND field ->> 'value' {value_op} $field_value ) ", value_op = value_op, ); let field_name = currency.field_name(); let query = query!(&statement, field_name = field_name, field_value = address,)?; let rows = db_client.query(query.sql(), query.parameters()).await?; let unverified = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::, _>>()? .into_iter() // Exclude verified .filter(|profile| !verified.iter().any(|item| == .collect(); unverified } else { vec![] }; let results = if prefer_verified && verified.len() > 0 { verified } else { [verified, unverified].concat() }; Ok(results) } pub async fn search_profiles_by_wallet_address( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, currency: &Currency, wallet_address: &str, prefer_verified: bool, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let did_pkh = DidPkh::from_address(currency, wallet_address); let did = Did::Pkh(did_pkh); search_profiles_by_did(db_client, &did, prefer_verified).await } pub async fn update_follower_count( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, change: i32, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " UPDATE actor_profile SET follower_count = follower_count + $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&change, &profile_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn update_following_count( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, change: i32, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " UPDATE actor_profile SET following_count = following_count + $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&change, &profile_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn update_subscriber_count( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, change: i32, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " UPDATE actor_profile SET subscriber_count = subscriber_count + $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&change, &profile_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; Ok(profile) } pub async fn update_post_count( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, profile_id: &Uuid, change: i32, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client .query_opt( " UPDATE actor_profile SET post_count = post_count + $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING actor_profile ", &[&change, &profile_id], ) .await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("profile"))?; let profile = row.try_get("actor_profile")?; Ok(profile) } // Doesn't return error if profile doesn't exist pub async fn set_reachability_status( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, actor_id: &str, is_reachable: bool, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { if !is_reachable { // Don't update profile if unreachable_since is already set db_client .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET unreachable_since = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE actor_id = $1 AND unreachable_since IS NULL ", &[&actor_id], ) .await?; } else { // Remove status (if set) db_client .execute( " UPDATE actor_profile SET unreachable_since = NULL WHERE actor_id = $1 ", &[&actor_id], ) .await?; }; Ok(()) } pub async fn find_unreachable( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, unreachable_since: &DateTime, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client .query( " SELECT actor_profile FROM actor_profile WHERE unreachable_since < $1 ORDER BY hostname, username ", &[&unreachable_since], ) .await?; let profiles = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("actor_profile")) .collect::>()?; Ok(profiles) } /// Finds all empty remote profiles /// (without any posts, reactions, relationships) /// updated before the specified date pub async fn find_empty_profiles( db_client: &impl DatabaseClient, updated_before: &DateTime, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client .query( " SELECT FROM actor_profile WHERE actor_profile.hostname IS NOT NULL AND actor_profile.updated_at < $1 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM relationship WHERE source_id = OR target_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM follow_request WHERE source_id = OR target_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM post WHERE author_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM post_reaction WHERE author_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM media_attachment WHERE owner_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM mention WHERE profile_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM notification WHERE sender_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM invoice WHERE sender_id = ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM subscription WHERE sender_id = ) ", &[&updated_before], ) .await?; let ids: Vec = rows .iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("id")) .collect::>()?; Ok(ids) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::database::test_utils::create_test_database; use crate::emojis::{queries::create_emoji, types::EmojiImage}; use crate::profiles::{ queries::create_profile, types::{DbActor, ExtraField, IdentityProof, IdentityProofType, ProfileCreateData}, }; use crate::users::{queries::create_user, types::UserCreateData}; use serial_test::serial; fn create_test_actor(actor_id: &str) -> DbActor { DbActor { id: actor_id.to_string(), ..Default::default() } } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_create_profile_local() { let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "test".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(profile.username, "test"); assert_eq!(profile.hostname, None); assert_eq!(profile.acct, "test"); assert_eq!(profile.identity_proofs.into_inner().len(), 0); assert_eq!(profile.extra_fields.into_inner().len(), 0); assert_eq!(profile.actor_id, None); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_create_profile_remote() { let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "test".to_string(), hostname: Some("".to_string()), actor_json: Some(create_test_actor("")), ..Default::default() }; let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(profile.username, "test"); assert_eq!(profile.hostname.unwrap(), ""); assert_eq!(profile.acct, ""); assert_eq!(profile.actor_id.unwrap(), "",); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_create_profile_with_emoji() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let image = EmojiImage::default(); let emoji = create_emoji(db_client, "testemoji", None, image, None, &Utc::now()) .await .unwrap(); let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "test".to_string(), emojis: vec![], ..Default::default() }; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); let profile_emojis = profile.emojis.into_inner(); assert_eq!(profile_emojis.len(), 1); assert_eq!(profile_emojis[0].id,; } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_actor_id_unique() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let actor_id = ""; let profile_data_1 = ProfileCreateData { username: "test-1".to_string(), hostname: Some("".to_string()), actor_json: Some(create_test_actor(actor_id)), ..Default::default() }; create_profile(db_client, profile_data_1).await.unwrap(); let profile_data_2 = ProfileCreateData { username: "test-2".to_string(), hostname: Some("".to_string()), actor_json: Some(create_test_actor(actor_id)), ..Default::default() }; let error = create_profile(db_client, profile_data_2) .await .err() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(error.to_string(), "profile already exists"); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_update_profile() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "test".to_string(), ..Default::default() }; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); let mut profile_data = ProfileUpdateData::from(&profile); let bio = "test bio"; = Some(bio.to_string()); let profile_updated = update_profile(db_client, &, profile_data) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(profile_updated.username, profile.username); assert_eq!(, bio); assert!(profile_updated.updated_at != profile.updated_at); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_delete_profile() { let profile_data = ProfileCreateData::default(); let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); let deletion_queue = delete_profile(db_client, &; assert_eq!(deletion_queue.files.len(), 0); assert_eq!(deletion_queue.ipfs_objects.len(), 0); } const ETHEREUM: Currency = Currency::Ethereum; #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_search_profiles_by_wallet_address_local() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let wallet_address = "0x1234abcd"; let user_data = UserCreateData { wallet_address: Some(wallet_address.to_string()), ..Default::default() }; let _user = create_user(db_client, user_data).await.unwrap(); let profiles = search_profiles_by_wallet_address(db_client, ÐEREUM, wallet_address, false) .await .unwrap(); // Login address must not be exposed assert_eq!(profiles.len(), 0); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_search_profiles_by_wallet_address_remote() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let extra_field = ExtraField { name: "$eth".to_string(), value: "0x1234aBcD".to_string(), value_source: None, }; let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { extra_fields: vec![extra_field], ..Default::default() }; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); let profiles = search_profiles_by_wallet_address(db_client, ÐEREUM, "0x1234abcd", false) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(profiles.len(), 1); assert_eq!(profiles[0].id,; } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_search_profiles_by_wallet_address_identity_proof() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let identity_proof = IdentityProof { issuer: Did::Pkh(DidPkh::from_address(ÐEREUM, "0x1234abcd")), proof_type: IdentityProofType::LegacyEip191IdentityProof, value: "13590013185bdea963".to_string(), }; let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { identity_proofs: vec![identity_proof], ..Default::default() }; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); let profiles = search_profiles_by_wallet_address(db_client, ÐEREUM, "0x1234abcd", false) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(profiles.len(), 1); assert_eq!(profiles[0].id,; } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_set_reachability_status() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let actor_id = ""; let profile_data = ProfileCreateData { username: "test".to_string(), hostname: Some("".to_string()), actor_json: Some(create_test_actor(actor_id)), ..Default::default() }; let profile = create_profile(db_client, profile_data).await.unwrap(); set_reachability_status(db_client, actor_id, false) .await .unwrap(); let profile = get_profile_by_id(db_client, &; assert_eq!(profile.unreachable_since.is_some(), true); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_find_empty_profiles() { let db_client = &mut create_test_database().await; let updated_before = Utc::now(); let profiles = find_empty_profiles(db_client, &updated_before) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(profiles.is_empty(), true); } }