use std::convert::TryFrom; use chrono::Utc; use tokio_postgres::GenericClient; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::errors::DatabaseError; use crate::models::attachments::types::DbMediaAttachment; use crate::models::cleanup::{ find_orphaned_files, find_orphaned_ipfs_objects, DeletionQueue, }; use crate::models::profiles::queries::update_post_count; use super::types::{DbPost, Post, PostCreateData}; pub async fn get_posts( db_client: &impl GenericClient, current_user_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { // Select posts from follows + own posts. // Do not select replies let rows = db_client.query( " SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = WHERE post.in_reply_to_id IS NULL AND ( post.author_id = $1 OR EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM relationship WHERE source_id = $1 AND target_id = post.author_id ) ) ORDER BY post.created_at DESC ", &[¤t_user_id], ).await?; let posts: Vec = rows.iter() .map(|row| Post::try_from(row)) .collect::>()?; Ok(posts) } pub async fn get_posts_by_author( db_client: &impl GenericClient, account_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client.query( " SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = WHERE post.author_id = $1 ORDER BY post.created_at DESC ", &[&account_id], ).await?; let posts: Vec = rows.iter() .map(|row| Post::try_from(row)) .collect::>()?; Ok(posts) } pub async fn create_post( db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, author_id: &Uuid, data: PostCreateData, ) -> Result { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; let post_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let created_at = data.created_at.unwrap_or(Utc::now()); let post_row = transaction.query_one( " INSERT INTO post ( id, author_id, content, in_reply_to_id, object_id, created_at ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING post ", &[ &post_id, &author_id, &data.content, &data.in_reply_to_id, &data.object_id, &created_at, ], ).await?; let db_post: DbPost = post_row.try_get("post")?; // Create links to attachments let attachments_rows = transaction.query( " UPDATE media_attachment SET post_id = $1 WHERE owner_id = $2 AND id = ANY($3) RETURNING media_attachment ", &[&post_id, &author_id, &data.attachments], ).await?; if attachments_rows.len() != data.attachments.len() { // Some attachments were not found return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("attachment")); } let db_attachments: Vec = attachments_rows.iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("media_attachment")) .collect::>()?; // Update counters let author = update_post_count(&transaction, &db_post.author_id, 1).await?; if let Some(in_reply_to_id) = &db_post.in_reply_to_id { update_reply_count(&transaction, in_reply_to_id, 1).await?; } transaction.commit().await?; let post = Post::new(db_post, author, db_attachments); Ok(post) } pub async fn get_post_by_id( db_client: &impl GenericClient, post_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client.query_opt( " SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = WHERE = $1 ", &[&post_id], ).await?; let post = match maybe_row { Some(row) => Post::try_from(&row)?, None => return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("post")), }; Ok(post) } /// Given a post ID, finds all items in thread. /// Results are sorted by tree path. pub async fn get_thread( db_client: &impl GenericClient, post_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { // TODO: limit recursion depth let rows = db_client.query( " WITH RECURSIVE ancestors (id, in_reply_to_id) AS ( SELECT, post.in_reply_to_id FROM post WHERE = $1 UNION ALL SELECT, post.in_reply_to_id FROM post JOIN ancestors ON = ancestors.in_reply_to_id ), context (id, path) AS ( SELECT, ARRAY[] FROM ancestors WHERE ancestors.in_reply_to_id IS NULL UNION SELECT, array_append(context.path, FROM post JOIN context ON post.in_reply_to_id = ) SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN context ON = JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = ORDER BY context.path ", &[&post_id], ).await?; let posts: Vec = rows.iter() .map(|row| Post::try_from(row)) .collect::>()?; if posts.len() == 0 { return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("post")); } Ok(posts) } pub async fn get_post_by_object_id( db_client: &impl GenericClient, object_id: &str, ) -> Result { let maybe_row = db_client.query_opt( " SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = WHERE post.object_id = $1 ", &[&object_id], ).await?; let row = maybe_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("post"))?; let post = Post::try_from(&row)?; Ok(post) } pub async fn get_post_by_ipfs_cid( db_client: &impl GenericClient, ipfs_cid: &str, ) -> Result { let result = db_client.query_opt( " SELECT post, actor_profile, ARRAY( SELECT media_attachment FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = ) AS attachments FROM post JOIN actor_profile ON post.author_id = WHERE post.ipfs_cid = $1 ", &[&ipfs_cid], ).await?; let post = match result { Some(row) => Post::try_from(&row)?, None => return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("post")), }; Ok(post) } pub async fn update_post( db_client: &impl GenericClient, post: &Post, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { // TODO: create PostUpdateData type let updated_count = db_client.execute( " UPDATE post SET content = $1, ipfs_cid = $2, token_id = $3, token_tx_id = $4 WHERE id = $5 ", &[ &post.content, &post.ipfs_cid, &post.token_id, &post.token_tx_id, &, ], ).await?; if updated_count == 0 { return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("post")); } Ok(()) } pub async fn update_reply_count( db_client: &impl GenericClient, post_id: &Uuid, change: i32, ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> { let updated_count = db_client.execute( " UPDATE post SET reply_count = reply_count + $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING post ", &[&change, &post_id], ).await?; if updated_count == 0 { return Err(DatabaseError::NotFound("post")); } Ok(()) } pub async fn get_token_waitlist( db_client: &impl GenericClient, ) -> Result, DatabaseError> { let rows = db_client.query( " SELECT FROM post WHERE ipfs_cid IS NOT NULL AND token_id IS NULL ", &[], ).await?; let waitlist: Vec = rows.iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("id")) .collect::>()?; Ok(waitlist) } /// Deletes post from database and returns collection of orphaned objects. pub async fn delete_post( db_client: &mut impl GenericClient, post_id: &Uuid, ) -> Result { let transaction = db_client.transaction().await?; // Get list of attached files let files_rows = transaction.query( " SELECT file_name FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = $1 ", &[&post_id], ).await?; let files: Vec = files_rows.iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("file_name")) .collect::>()?; // Get list of linked IPFS objects let ipfs_objects_rows = transaction.query( " SELECT ipfs_cid FROM media_attachment WHERE post_id = $1 AND ipfs_cid IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT ipfs_cid FROM post WHERE id = $1 AND ipfs_cid IS NOT NULL ", &[&post_id], ).await?; let ipfs_objects: Vec = ipfs_objects_rows.iter() .map(|row| row.try_get("ipfs_cid")) .collect::>()?; // Delete post let maybe_post_row = transaction.query_opt( " DELETE FROM post WHERE id = $1 RETURNING post ", &[&post_id], ).await?; let post_row = maybe_post_row.ok_or(DatabaseError::NotFound("post"))?; let db_post: DbPost = post_row.try_get("post")?; // Update counters if let Some(parent_id) = &db_post.in_reply_to_id { update_reply_count(&transaction, parent_id, -1).await?; } update_post_count(&transaction, &db_post.author_id, -1).await?; let orphaned_files = find_orphaned_files(&transaction, files).await?; let orphaned_ipfs_objects = find_orphaned_ipfs_objects(&transaction, ipfs_objects).await?; transaction.commit().await?; Ok(DeletionQueue { files: orphaned_files, ipfs_objects: orphaned_ipfs_objects, }) }